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Monday, June 18, 2012

Totem Poles and Spirit Animals

Totem Poles are a Native American tradition that can sybolize tribes, family, or even an individual. Each individual can be connected with nine different animals through cycles in life.  These animals are to act as spirit guides.  There is a connection between individuals and their animals guide.  This connection can come in forms of dreams, interactions, shared characteristics, or even just a simple interest in the animal.   

Figuring out your totem animal can be an intimate process.  Here are some questions to ask yourself if you’re wondering what your animal totem is:
-Have you ever been drawn to a specific animal without knowing why?
-Does a certain animal continue to show up in your life through dreams or thought?
-Are there animals you absolutely fear or are completely intrigued by?

A good list of further questions and a complete list of animals with paired meanings is found at

Totems and Animal Spirits can also be related to Wiccan and Pagan traditions as well.  Animals can work in elements of power, wisdom, and guidence.  They can protect and assist you in the dream world and reality.  Calling on a spirit animal and seeking advice is almost like a form of prayer.  It is not really like a type of worship, but a close relationship.  Honoring an animals and becoming intune with both of your senses is a neat way to bring yourself closer to nature and the typically unnoticed world around your. 

Honoring an animals comes in many forms.  Some Native American tribes left tobacco and some Wiccans burn an incense.  It is a way of saying thanks for the connection.  Meeting your guide is not like summoning some sort of genie from a bottle.  It can happen by chance of something like a dream or repetition of appearance, and it can also happen through patience and meditation.  Some say that children are specially keen to animals guides withiout knowing it and often keep a certain guide for a lofty amount of time. 

Different animals have different symbols and associations.  There is variety.  Google animal symbology because there are so many details, to write about each and every one would take a while.  The one that I know best is spiders.  I wrote a blog all about them.  They tend to symbolize fate, female energy, wisdom, new life, trickery, entanglment, divine inspiration, and illusions. 

Doing some research on a certain animals that interest you (if you have a spirit guide in mind) can bring you closer to the answers you make have.   :) Enjoy!!!

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